2017 Breeder Roundtable in New York!

I'm off to New York City this week for the 2017 ALAA Breeder Roundtable.  The conference will include speakers such as well known Myra Savant Harris speaking on Reproduction and Neonatal Care.  Dr Bell will be speaking about Genetics, Diversity and Disease Testing.  Also Jane Killions will be explaining Puppy Culture and the wide range of topics under that umbrella including Puppy Socialization.  There are expected to be around 150 Labradoodle breeders from across the country descending on the Big Apple.  I look forward to making some valuable connections for the future for Patriot's Day Doodles!

Since I'm in the Big City, a friend of mine, Amber, from the Navy will be staying with me and we are going to spend a few extra days sightseeing.  I'm looking forward to seeing Shakespeare's Garden in Central Park, Ground Zero where I'm not sure what to expect emotionally, and the Financial District because who can pass up a huge bull.  Amber and I have a Best of NYC cruise booked which takes us around Manhattan Island and includes an up close with (drumroll). . .The Statue of Liberty!  


Walter Reed Service Dog Program

We were able to talk with the amazing Service Dog trainers at Walter Reed.  We happened to be there for the newest introduction of the "Greatest Generation" litter of Golden Retrievers.  The only girl in the litter was, of course, who my girls wanted to hold. We will follow her progress once she has been named after someone from the "Greatest Generation".  It was amazing to see the training and work and that goes into producing a quality service dog for those who lives are greatly enriched by their abilities.
