Our Favorite Things!
Many families ask about nutrition, grooming and training and so I have provided some of my favorite things that I use with your puppy’s parents in our own home.


Grooming your Shaggy Dood!

Well Trained Dog is a Welcome Dog!!

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I’ve not used the rolled leather but a puppy family says they are amazing for preventing mats around the neck. They are on my personal shopping list!

I use martingales for all my dogs! Make sure to check the neck size as your puppy grows. These do not have a clip and so it is very important to make sure to have an adjustable martingale for your puppy.

You can also look on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for a used puppy crate. Then get a nicer or correct size when your pup has reached close to adult size.

Treats and Toys


These treats are small and handy! Great for training. They come in a few flavors and are found in some pet stores.

My dogs love these crinkly flat animals. Sailor even takes her raccoon into the whelping box and keeps it with her babies! Chief gave it to her for her first birthday.